Why I Am Pro-Carbohydrates

                Right now, we are living in a time where Carbohydrates are getting a pretty bad rap. Where they used to be the base of the food pyramid, low carb and no carb diets are sweeping the nation. When someone is seeking to lose weight or eat healthy, the first thing they cut out of their diet isn’t chocolate – it’s carbohydrates. But the hard thing with going low or no carb is that carbohydrates are in so many foods. They are in fruits, vegetables, even low fat milk. There are a lot of misconceptions about this key macro nutrient that plays a vital role in a healthy diet. So today, I am going to share with you the truth about carbohydrates including the various kinds, how the body digests them, and finally what kind of carbohydrates you should be eating.
                First and foremost, all carbohydrates are not created equally. There are actually 3 different kids: sugar, starch, and fiber. Sugar is the simplest structured carbohydrate that usually is only made up of one or two molecules. Naturally occurring sugar is what makes apples sweet. This natural sugar is also found in low fat dairy and even vegetables. The larger of the carbohydrate molecules are known as starch. These are made up of a large number of molecules and are found in foods like bread and potatoes. Then there is fiber which is the carbohydrate molecule that isn’t digested at all. Fiber is used to feed healthy bacteria in the gut and provides bulk to the diet.

                When it comes down to digesting carbohydrates, all carbs are broken down to provide fuel for the body. Carbohydrates fuel the brain, the central nervous system, and basic body functions. Your body cannot use carbohydrates until they have been broken down into the smallest, one molecule form. Refined and simple carbohydrates like natural sugar, added sugar, and white flour are able to be broken down and utilized quickly by the body. That is why you feel a rush of energy after drinking a sugary soda, but that sugar high is short lived. When you eat complex carbohydrates or starch that are much larger molecules, it takes the body much longer to break them down. That is why when you eat pasta there is a slow prolonged energy release.

                The easiest way to experience this difference in digestion is to think about breakfast. When you eat a sugary doughnut, you will notice that your body will digest those carbohydrates within 1 -2 hours and you will be hungry again. Then think about when you eat a bowl of whole grain oatmeal it has the power to hold you over until lunch because of those complex carbohydrates!

               So what kind of carbohydrates should you be eating? Try to choose complex over refined carbohydrates. You can do this by choosing whole grain foods like brown rice, oats, barley, popcorn and whole grain crackers, pastas, and breads. To make sure you are getting a whole grain food, read the food label and make sure the ingredients include “whole wheat”. By choosing complex, whole grains, you will get a slow steady release of energy and fiber. This will fuel your body and keep you fuller longer.

                Although diets and food trends may say otherwise, carbohydrates are a vital component of a healthy diet and should be consumed regularly. 

And no, Regina George, butter is not a carb.


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